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Raised beds
N.B. Fixed distance between rows.
N.B. If the same seeder is used with different combinations and different numbers of Seeding Units (e.g. 3 units for crops and 4 for other crops), you will find the fields to fill in after the main provision below.
If in addition to the Machine Layout chosen (with related Distances and Discs), you need one or more additional Machine Layout, with a different Number of sowing units (with related Distances and Discs), choose YES and fill in one or more of the following additional Machine Layouts.
If in addition to the Machine Layout chosen (with related Distances and Discs), you need one additional Machine Layout, with a different Number of sowing units (with related Distances and Discs), choose YES and fill in the following additional Machine Layout.
WIZARD self-propelled seeders do not require a tractor of any kind to operate. They are equipped with independent advancement and therefore dedicated to a user who needs a ready-to-use seeder.
The WIZARD vacuum precision planters for two-wheel tractor complete the range of tools applicable to this type of tractor. Once applied, they use the PTO of the two-wheel tractor to operate the vacuum fan. They are recommended for those who use a walk-behind tractor for all the various operations and who need a vacuum seeder to cultivate the soil.
The WIZARD vacuum precision planters for tractors are dedicated to farmers who use compact tractors and have various sowing needs. Our precision vacuum seeders in this sector are particularly flexible and easy to use with reduced times for changing crops while maintaining the same seeding quality.
The WIZARD seeders for tractors without a PTO are equipped with 12V electric vacuum fans which allow the application of these seeders not only to tractors but also to tool carriers and various robots. These vacuum seeders will be connected electronically to the tractor via an electrical socket and do not require a cardan for work.
N.B. Only small seeds
GENERIC ACCESSORIESSelect one or more accessories:
The Vacuum gauge accessory for the model selected previously is already included in the machine.
The twin wheels increase the contact surface between the planter and the soil, the weight is distributed better and therefore reduces the sinking into the prepared soil. The machine acquires additional stability and maneuverability in the work and maneuvers.
Raised bed sowing kit is made to work on a small raised bed (max length 70 cm) and it is easy to mount on WZ-A10 and transform it. When the planter has been transformed the user we’ll work with wheels at the border of raised bed.
This rear-wheel, which is excluded during work, improves the transport phase and can also be used for headland maneuvering.
Allows the control of the vacuum inside the metering units and in turn to regulate it, recommended for those who vary the sowing crops.
Vacuum gaug (already included in the chosen model)
Normal size seeds slide and small seeds clean out vacuum system are 2 parts of seed clean out kit.They help to clean our seed hoppers from residue seeds after working or any time users needs to change crops.Normal size seeds slide helps to upload crops with traditional size seeds and big size seed (maize, sunflower, chickpea, soya, etc.).About small seeds, there is a clean out vacuum system that let the users to catch up seeds on a small tank.It works connected at the vacuum fan mounted on all our range of vacuum precision planters.
This device improves the stability of the planter in the parked position and avoids possible unbalancing, falling and damage.
The 15 cm raising of the 3 points of the seeder facilitates the connection with tractors, especially those in which the 3 arms are in a higher position with respect to the ground.
The 25 cm raising of the 3 points of the seeder facilitates the connection with tractors, especially those in which the 3 arms are in a higher position with respect to the ground.
The two models, manual and rope, mark the line of passage for the next step avoiding a waste of field in work.
An extra battery allows you to quickly resume sowing while the other charges and therefore not have to stop and wait for the battery to recharge.
The large battery holder with respective cover and a second 12V 50Ah battery allows you to double the 100Ah battery and the working time without interruption.
An extra 100Ah battery not only allows you to quickly resume sowing, while the other charges and therefore you don't have to stop and wait for the battery to recharge, it also gives you the possibility of choosing based on your needs and working times.
The 50Ah battery holder with respective cover allows you to possibly split the 100Ah battery and use only one at a time.
SOWING UNIT ACCESSORIESSelect one or more accessories:
The double disc opener is recommended for sowing on soils with small residues and also avoids clogging compared to the traditional shoe opener. The two discs penetrate the ground and by rotating they make the residues flow. Despite its proximity to the ground, each disc is equipped with a shielded bearing which prevents potential clogging of dust. The double disc is backward compatible with all our models and is easy to apply.
The seed cover improves the closure of the sowing furrow allowing better germination especially with small seeds. This version is compatible with units that exclusively plant a single line
The seed cover improves the closure of the sowing furrow allowing better germination especially with small seeds. This version is compatible with both units that sow a single line, those that sow 2 lines with the R2 solution, those that sow 3 lines with the R3 solution and those that use different solutions, for example 1 line for one crop and 2 lines for another crop.
General advantage is tha 15 L seed hopper allows the users to work more time without stop to reload the seed hoppers.It’s very suitable for users that sow normal size seeds (maize, soya, sunflower etc.) or big size seeds (chickpea, beans, etc.) cause also for small quantity the total volume of standard hopper could be not enough.
Keeps the rear wheel clean especially on the wettest terrains. By keeping the rear wheel clean it allows a better fluidity of work.
The flat closing wheel provides a more compact soil after planting and allows a better germination and plant growth in the early weeks.
N.B. For the WZ-D/DS and WZ-G/GT/GS/GTS Series, the rear flat wheel accessory is included with ballast.