WZ-C customized

Customized planter

WZ-C Series

Build your own WZ-C planter choosing from various shown components, according to your needs.
Seminatrice pneumatica di precisione per motocoltivatore wz-c personalizzabile
Seminatrice pneumatica di precisione per motocoltivatore wz-c personalizzabile


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PTO connection fully mounted
with vacuum fan and row marker

Connessione trattrice


Kit 1050 WZ-C

Unita semina kit 1050 standard
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Unita semina kit 1050 compact


4 different width chassis available
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Chassis width
300 mm

Telaio 300-700-1000-1200 mm
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Chassis width
700 mm

Telaio 300-700-1000-1200 mm
Icona numero 3

Chassis width
1000 mm

Telaio 300-700-1000-1200 mm
Icona numero 4

Chassis width
1200 mm

Telaio 300-700-1000-1200 mm


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ANTI-UV Spiral tube
Ø40 Anti-UV

Tubo di aspirazione


R2 and R3 solutions

R2 and R3 solutions

R2 and R3 solutions let us reduce the distance between sowing unit, currently min. 25 cm, and at the same time to let us multiply sowing lines.
By applying them we will reduce the minimum distance, currently 25 cm, and at the same time multiply the sowing rows.

Flat closing wheel

Flat closing wheel

The flat closing wheel provides a more compact soil after planting and allows a better germination and plant growth in the early weeks.

Seed clean out

Seed clean out

Normal size seeds slide and small seeds clean out vacuum system are 2 parts of seed clean out kit.
They help to clean our seed hoppers from residue seeds after working or any time users needs to change crops.
Normal size seeds slide helps to upload crops with traditional size seeds and big size seed (maize, sunflower, chickpea, soya, etc.).
About small seeds, there is a clean out vacuum system that let the users to catch up seeds on a small tank.
It works connected at the vacuum fan mounted on all our range of vacuum precision planters.

Seed coverer

Seed coverer

It improves the closure of the sowing furrow allowing a better germination especially with small seeds.

Clod remover

Clod remover

The clod remover is suitable for soils with some residue or in the presence of small clods.
Positioned in front of the wheel that flattens the soil before sowing, it moves the various residues allowing sowing on uniform ground for more quality sowing.

Seed discs

Seed discs

A wide range of seeding discs allows the planting of a large quantity of crops from the smallest to the largest, from the lightest to the heaviest, the most homogeneous to the most heterogeneous.